How To Add/Replace a Sensor

Add a Sensor

Adding sensors to a D3 base station comprises of a simple pairing exercise. The process differs slightly between older legacy sensors (sensors for Tek Troniks DataCentre and SAMIE systems) which are compatible with a D3.

The 2 videos below explain the process for each sensor type.

Legacy Sensors – all legacy sensors will have a part number starting M02WS***

Intelligent Sensors – these comprise of a transmitter and sensor element. Transmitter part numbers starting P2-WS10* and off the shelf sensor parts numbers start P3-DS3**. Bespoke manufactured sensors start P9-BP*****

Legacy Sensors

Intelligent Sensors

Replace a Sensor

If you need to replace a sensor on the system it will differ depending on the sensor type. The new sensor needs to be linked over the top of the existing sensor. The sensor already exists and therefore does not need to be re-created on the system.

Legacy Sensors

Find the sensor to be linked over;

SETTINGS => MANAGE DEVICES => select the link icon and follow the process shown in Video 2, Step 3 on wards.

Intelligent Sensors

If only the transmitter is being replaced then follow

  1. SETTINGS => MANAGE DEVICE => select the link icon
  2. Select Join Transmitter
  3. Follow the process from Step 3 on wards in video 2 above
  4. Connect the existing sensor into the newly paired transmitter and data will be sent. You do not need to re-link the sensor.

If only the sensor is being replaced then follow

  1. Remove the old sensor from the transmitter and replace with the new sensor (take a note of the new sensor serial number)
  2. Go to SETTINGS => MANAGE DEVICES => press the link icon
  3. Select the new sensor serial number, in the link manager window (see video 3). Click ‘link sensor’ button. If you have not selected a serial number the button will not be clickable.
  4. The new sensor serial number will appear in the linked window and  will replace the old sensors details.

If you link over the top of an existing sensor then you will not need to change any set points or alarm delays for that sensor. If you delete the old sensor before linking a new sensor then you will need to add alarm set points and delays.