Email to SMS Text
Although a GSM auto-dialler can be added to our D3 base station relay outlet, to generate SMS text alarm alerts, another solution is to use 3rd party email to SMS text service.
These services are now readily available via numerous online suppliers and often offer an inexpensive solution to receiving text message alerts.
Below we outline how to set up such a service – for this example we have used our account with Textlocal (other providers set up process will differ).
The provider, Textlocal, require credits be bought for an SMS text to be sent. Ensure credit levels are topped up to stop SMS messages being refused.
Textlocal Control Panel
Textlocal needs to be configured to use the email to sms text function, this is a simple operation to complete.
Within the control panel select:
Settings => Email to SMS – the email to sms configuration window will open.
Configure your Email to SMS Settings
Activate Email 2 SMS – enter check mark to select
Subject Heading – select Add subject line to the start of the message
Save Settings
Authorise Email Address
Add Another – enter the “From” email from the D3 base stations email settings.
Failure to add the “From” email address from the base station will mean Textlocal will block emails and not send SMS messages to the chosen phone numbers. Save
The “From” email address will now be displayed in the window and emails are authorised ( in the example above).
Creating Contacts
Within the Textlocal control panel select:
Contacts => Contact Groups => New Group => Group Name (enter a group name) => Add Group
The group creation window will now open
Select => Add/Paste/Upload – this will open the contact creation window.
Contacts can be added singularly, a contact list pasted or a CSV file uploaded. For our purposes we will use the singular method.
Enter the contract details
Once relevant details are completed Add Contact.
Complete the process above for each person to be added.
Once all users are completed a user needs to be created on the D3 base station for textlocal emails alarms authorisation.
D3 User Creation
Add a User – create a user on the D3 network interface with a first name of text and a surname of local.
Email Address – the email address for this user is found at the bottom of the bottom of the contact group within Textlocal (in example above it would be –
User Privileges – This user only needs to have Recieve Email Alarms set to yes.
Once all details are entered go to the D3 INFO page and send a Test Alarm. SMS texts should be received by users created within Textlocal (assuming credits have been purchased).
If you have any questions, contact Tek Troniks support team via the button below