D3 Email Set Up, Using Gmail
Emails will only work on networked D3 systems with a valid DNS connection – email can be set up but cannot operate or be tested in DHCP Server mode. See IP settings for more information on networking a D3 base station.
Setting up the D3 email function to use a Gmail account is straight forward and can be accomplished following three main steps listed below.
1. Activate 2 Step Verification
To use the D3 email function with a @gmail.com email address, the 2-Step verification must be ON in the Security settings, within the Google account settings.
Path – Gmail Account => Security => Signing in to Google => 2-Step Verification => On

If 2 Step Verification is OFF, select On and follow the Google Account instructions to activate it.
2. Create an App Password
Within the same section in your Google Account select 2-Step Verification to access the 2-Step Verification page, at the bottom of the page select “App Passwords”.
From the Select app drop down choose Other (customer name) => enter a name – e.g. D3 monitoring system => select Generate
Google will open a pop up window with a unique 16 character password to use when setting up the D3 email (see below), this password can be copied and pasted.
3. Set-up Email on the D3
Log in to the D3 base station at an Administrator account level to set up the email function.
Path – D3 Login => Settings => Networking/Email Setup => Edit
Change the system settings as below for @gmail.com email services
- Email Enabled – Yes
- SMTP Hostname/IP Address – smtp.gmail.com
- Smtp Port – 587
- Use Encryption – Yes
- Use STARTLS – Yes
- User name – Enter the @gmail.com email address
- Password – Enter password created in the Google Account App Passwords generator (as mentioned above)
- Email from – Enter the @gmail.com email address
- Retries – Leave as set
- Retry Delay (minutes) – Leave as set
- Notify on failure (Warning) – Attach to an alarm profile if a warning created on email failure is required, otherwise leave as set
- Send heartbeat – Attach to an alarm profile if a daily email heartbeat notification is required to be sent, otherwise leave as set
Once all data is entered and submitted a Test Email can be sent, any email address can be used to test connectivity.
Should the test email fail an error message will be generated.
If you require additional support with email set up please contact our support team.