Email Error Codes
After setting up email functionality on a D3, you can test the email communication status.
Route to email test function:
SETTINGS => SYSTEM MANAGEMENT => NETWORKING => EMAIL SETUP => TEST => Enter email address to send a test email to => Press ‘Send Email’
Once a test email is sent a progress bar will appear. After a period of time the progress bar will display the relevant email message code. The code you want to see is success, if any other code is displayed please refer to the list below:
Message Code | Meaning |
Success | Email has been sent successfully |
Error Connect | Failure to connect to email server |
Error Hostname | Hostname is incorrect |
Error Mail From | Email from is incorrect |
Error Auth not Supported | Authorisation is not supported |
Error Unknown | Unknown, check all details again |
Error Elo | |
Error Certificate | |
Error Mail Rcpt | |
Error Response Code | |
Error Auth |
If any of the above error codes appear for you, you will need to check your email setup settings. It’s possible that one of the Email/SMTP details has changed. Contact your IT department or provider to confirm all details as this is not information we have access to.